Who We Are…..
The Croton Falls Community Church is a dynamic community of faith that is composed of ALL the major Christian Faith
traditions. We welcome all into our “church family” who are seeking a deeper insight
into the relevance of Jesus Christ for their lives today. While historically this church has developed
out of the American Baptist tradition, it currently is a reflection of believers who are seeking a broader understanding of
faith issues for today. Lutherans, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Unitarians and Orthodox
all come together sharing ideas and understanding for living in the complex contemporary society.
The worship style is as diverse as the congregation with traditional services with organ alternating with the contemporary
sounds of new worship. Some services are as informal as a tent revival to the formality of
a sung Mass setting at special times. As a diverse group, all ages are expressed within
the congregation and children are especially welcome at our services. A creative Sunday School program
meets during the second half of our morning worship service. While many churches are organized around committees
our model is a can do attitude that “makes things happen.” Our governance is by a Church Council
made up of Trustees, Deacons, and Staff Parish Relations. In the past we have served at “Ground Zero”
providing relief and refreshments to rescue and recovery workers. More recently we helped a family who
lost their home to Katrina in Mississippi. We are a small church and pride ourselves in calling ourselves
“the little church that could.” Please visit us an experience the joy, sharing, and community
first hand!
Becoming a more active participant of the Croton Falls Community Church……..
philosophy has always been the church is the people gathered on any Sunday morning. We truly
believe that the church is not a building but a community gathered to worship God and to support each other.
We also realize that we need “members” to meet our corporate responsibility of proper governance and oversight.
We have three levels of membership in our Church. We encourage people to carefully consider
their commitment to the Church and to join us as they feel led. There should never be any pressure felt
for anyone to make a commitment they feel uncomfortable with.
Membership Classifications:
Full Member- As a full member you can vote at the Annual Meeting of the church, and any called meetings of the congregation.
You may be called to serve on the Church Council as a Trustee, Deacon, or Pastor/Parish Committee.
It is expected that you will attend services, support the church with you time, talent, and offerings.
Affiliate Member- As an affiliate member you can vote at the Annual Meeting of the church,
and any called meetings of the congregation. You may be called to serve on the Church Council as
a Trustee, Deacon, or Pastor/Parish Committee. It is expected that you will attend services, support
the church with you time, talent, and offerings. As an affiliate member we recognize that you may
also support another faith tradition and that you are dually joined to more than our community of faith.
Friend- As a friend of the church you are welcome to attend the annual meeting,
give your voice to any concerns brought before the congregation. You may not, however,
vote on any actions brought forward at the meetings. As a friend you may serve on committees
but not the Church Council. Friends are expected to support the church as they are able.